Management Team

Organization Structure & Employee Strength


Each project we create a team with the ideal experience and training, led by one of our senior managers, who will continuously keep you informed of the job's schedule and progress.

Clients have a single, structured point of contact for all communication, allowing us to guarantee effective follow-up of the tasks.

We are a Team of Engineers who are qualified & with an Experience of more than 25 yrs of Projects & Maintenance in Industries like Pharmaceutical, Automobile, Rubber, Glass, etc. touching to various sectors. The Technicians are well retained with us with Experience of 10-12 yrs. in this field.

Total Organization Employee Structure Is 680 Members

Technical Director 4 Members
Project Head 35 Members
Sales Engineer 8 Members
Safety Officers 25 members
Design & Boq Engineer 20 Members
Engineer 60 Members
Supervisors 70 Members
Technicians 90 Members
Assistant Technicians 85 Members
Project Commercial 10 Members
Purchase 5 Members
Hr And Admin Executive 10 Members
Account And Finance 8 Members
Contracting Employees 250 Members